Many people often wonder how we can benefit their communities from our activities. Well the answer is yes we can!!! The increasing number of Grey Nomads travelling this wonderful land of ours is an ever increasing number.
Thus with the travelling needs as in fuel, food, drink, clothing ect. the local communities become a very important source for all there supplies. They also have many a variety of attractions around there locality were we can be adventurous and in doing so support many of there local establishment's
The travelling Nomad sector is rapidly becoming an important aspect to many tourist sectors as along with the benefits mentioned above we are known to hold Chapter meetings and CMCA rallies in such areas as showgrounds, school ovals, sporting ovals, and country hall association's grounds thus helping out these different establishments financially.
The locals also get to witness first hand the fun and comradeship that is formed in the Grey Nomad sector so in doing so often opens there eyes to having a possible for filled retirement an adventure they may not have been thought possible after many years of being in the workforce.
WE are always there to offer and extend hearty warmth of helpfulness when ever asked and always try to improve your understandings in becoming RV friendly towns.