Advantages of Owning
PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERSThe concept of the 5th Wheeler has for many years been most popular overseas and is now rapidly spreading Down under becoming the fastest growing segment of the Australian RV market.The most obvious benefit of having a 5th Wheeler and a drive vehicle is that when you arrive at your holiday destination you can go adventuring to all those wonderful places that you may have otherwise missed. There are many tow vehicles to select from depending on the size of the 5th Wheeler you are considering. Hitching up is a breeze, ease of manoeuvring, more stable under tow, decreased overall towing length. You also have less wind buffering when passing heavy transport.When considering the purchase of a 5th Wheeler it is advisable to collect as much information as possible before you purchase and this is where the wealth of knowledge that National 5th Wheelers Special Interest Group (FWSIG) of the CMCA and its 50,000 plus Members can be of much help.Regular Chapter gatherings and rallies held by the C.M.C.A. gives you the opportunity to learn and hopefully make your purchase much easier.Our existing Members gladly give of their experiences so contact the President or Secretary and join in the exciting adventures that await you and your 5th Wheeler.
Purchasing your Own FIFTH WHEELER OWNERSA MUST FOR ALL 5TH WHEELER OWNERS & ANYONE INTERESTED IN OR ABOUT TO PURCHASE THEIR VERY OWN RIG. WE CAN ASSIST YOU WITH ALL YOUR QUESTIONS.So you have made the big decision to purchase your 5th Wheeler or maybe you are already enjoying the benefits of ownership.Want to meet with likeminded others, have fun, go places and learn more skills about RV-ing that will enhance and maximize your overall experience and adventures.Then do not delay one more moment don't waste any more time Join with us to day by contacting us at Crocodile Wheelers.Crocodile Wheelers have a great group of people and are continuing to grow. By joining us you can gain valuable information and make great friends which will enable you to expand your 5th Wheeling experiences even further.Being part of CMCA is fun, join the Crocodile Wheelers to-day and get the best out of your total membership experience.PLEASE NOTE:- That we also welcome with open arms Caravaners and Motor homers. Any one who wants to experience comradeship and lots of fun.PLEASE NOTE :- Participation in Crocodile Wheelers is conditional on being a Member of the Campervan & Motor home Club of Australia (CMCA)